A child with ASD is like a snow flake or finger print in the sense that, from a distance they look similar or even the same but upon closer examination they are in fact, quite different. Each unique in their own way with no two being the same.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Plan # ?????

I've lost track of what "plan #" we are on but anyway.....

We saw Dr. T today and after talking about what was happening with Dylan, he said it sounds like the dose we have him on may be too high.  We are reducing his dose by half and should be able to tell by next week if that helps.  If it doesn't, we will need to stop this one and try something different.

Fingers tightly crossed that this a smaller dose works.

Friday, July 20, 2012

It did my heart good today....

As I mentioned in my last few posts, it's been challenging lately with my boy.  The medication changes have been rough but I believe that we will find the right one.  I do believe that he will benefit from them.

Tonight he tested for his yellow belt at martial arts.  Let me say that he is an COMPLETELY different child when he is at martial arts.  We can have a really rough day at home and he gets there and it's like he's in his zone.  He is focus, determined and ready to go.  I love it.  He loves it.  It's SUCH a positive thing for him and I am very thankful for that.

I LOVE this picture!!

Waiting for testing to start....


Getting ready for kicks.....this was REALLY funny to watch.  Jason said it best..."it's like rolling a dice!"  Kids going all over! ;-)

 Sparring....D's least favorite but he did good.

Grappling...he likes this a lot more and did really great tonight!

 And what he was MOST looking forward too....breaking his board!

Getting his yellow belt!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Still so, so tired....

This medication change has been so frustrating for me.  D's last day of Risperdal was a week ago Sunday.  I was so hoping that the sleepiness would get better once we had him off that.  Nope......and I have a bad feeling that we we see Dr. T again in a week, that there's a good possibility he's going to say that this medication isn't going to work either.  Arg.

This is how D's day goes right now.....

Awake EARLY (between 5:30 and 6:00 AM, normally he would get up around 6:45 or 7:15) and hyper as all get out.  He's unable to keep his hands to himself and he doesn't listen.  He's not a kid who will eat breakfast until he's ready and it's not at that early hour so around 7:00 or so he's usually ready to eat.  He HAS to eat a meal with this medication. 

Then by 9:00 AM, he's sleepy.  Very, very sleepy.  Most days he's been falling asleep and will sleep a couple of hours.  If we have something going on, he'll go but let's just say he won't "do" anything.  He's fallen asleep in the front yard, at the park and during therapy.

Once he wakes up, he's groggy for some time.  Around 2:30 PM or so, he starts getting wired, not listening, not keeping his hands to himself, yelling, hitting, and very, very defiant, etc.  And it stays that way until his dinner does (5:30 ish) hits him around 7:00 or so, then he wants to go to bed.

Yeah, I don't think that this is going to work.  How in the world will be function in school?

Sigh....it's just hard to know how well the Risperdal worked in all but one area.  The weight gain was not do good.  So, so hard right now.