A child with ASD is like a snow flake or finger print in the sense that, from a distance they look similar or even the same but upon closer examination they are in fact, quite different. Each unique in their own way with no two being the same.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Today was a good day....

Today was a pretty darn good day.  We actually made it to church this morning and Dylan was excited to go to Sunday School.  The room that he is in has a rocking chair in it and according to his teacher, he spends a good part of the hour in it.  Today was no different but she said that he was actively participating in the the group conversation.....which made me really happy.  He was in a great mood when I picked him up too.

We headed out to lunch afterwards and he did well.  He was a little antsy and loud until the food got there but nothing that felt out-of-control.  

I think it helped a lot that we were able to get send the kiddos outside for awhile this afternoon.  They weren't out long but the fresh air did them all good.

Dylan was really snuggly today and really only had a couple of times that he really fell apart.

Tomorrow we're going to do some baking and he's REALLY excited about that! :-)

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