But yet "they" can say no to the IEP that was written. "They" can say that he can't have that much aide time. "They" can say that he may not even need that much OT. But "they" have never see Dylan anywhere but on paper.
"They" make me really mad.
I got a call this morning from one of the people on the team that did Dylan's evaluations and she said that "they" wouldn't approve his IEP as it was written. Sigh. She had talked with the principal at our school and he had also gotten a call regarding Dylan's IEP. "They" strongly feel that Dylan doesn't need the services that we wrote in his IEP. The principal still feels that he does. He is concerned about the safety concerns....,not something to be taken lightly.
But ultimately the truth is that we don't know how Dylan will do when he starts kindergarten in the fall. Maybe he WILL surprise us and do better than we expect.....but what if he doesn't? What if our concerns are right on track? What if he does try to run and he doesn't have someone there to stop him? That is a "what if" that I cannot and will not take lightly. I will not just "wait and see." Fortunately, the principal feels the same way but that will only get us so far. "They" do have final say.
What is our compromise that we hope "they" will approve? And that we hope "they" will see as a compromise.......
Leave his IEP as it is written for the 1st quarter (November sometimes), meet and re-evaluate to see what everyones thoughts are then.
I wish so bad that "they" could see this from where I sit, as his mom. It sure feels like they don't have Dylan's best interest at heart. It sure feels like "they" are more concerned about the $$$. It sure feels like "they" are looking at her academics and saying that there is no problem there (at this time).
Nothing would make me happier than for him to start school and do worlds better than we anticipate.
I am "just" a mom who needs, not wants, NEEDS to know that when I leave my 6 year old on the first day of school he will be safe. I am not a mom who is looking for services that her child really doesn't need because, you know, having kids with special needs was exactly what I had dreamed of when I thought about having kids. I just NEED to know that when I have to let go a little more than I am really ready to do, that Dylan will be okay. That Dylan will have his needs met, whatever they may be.
I am "just" a mom who loves her little boy, challenges and all, more than life itself. I am "just" a mom who knows that "they" don't know him.
What "they" may not know is that I'm "just" a mom who will fight to be sure that Dylan is safe, happy and secure where ever he is and that I won't just sit back and say okay to what "they" think is best. I am his mom and I know him best.
"They" will know my name and face if needed because I am ready to fight.