Yesterday I had "the" meeting with the school district about Dylan's IEP. I was very relieved that I had a parent advocate with me from WI Facets. I couldn't believe how nervous I was going into this meeting.
We weren't asking for major changes to his IEP. We were not comfortable with the way that parts of the IEP were written. At his meeting on April 20th, the team determined that Dylan have an aide available 33.5 hours a week (which is basically "Bell to Bell") was appropriate. When who ever looks over the IEP's downtown wasn't willing to approve that, we talked about them leaving the IEP as it was but adding in that there would be a review of services at the end of the 1st quarter (November). We were perfectly fine with all of that.
What we weren't feeling good about was the fact that it was written in the IEP that on November 8th (1st day of the 2nd quarter), Dylan's aide services were to be cut in half. We never agreed to that.
As the meeting go started yesterday, I made it clear that we had no issues with meeting to review his services in November but we needed come up with a better way to write the parts about after the 1st quarter. We also wanted something added that would make it clear that we would review all 3 areas of aide service: in the classroom, in specials and transitions/recess. There is also the possibility that not all areas will have the same amount of service after the 1st quarter......we wanted it to be clear that just because we could determine that there is one area that we decide to change services in but others need to stay the same. It was a lengthy discussion and I felt like we went in some circles before everyone was on the same page.
I am not waiting to get the "final draft" of his IEP to look over before it's officially final. I was not going to sign anything yesterday until 1) I can show it to Jason and 2) I can be sure that all the changes we talked about are made and 3) the advocate can also look it over. I'm pretty sure the team wasn't real happy that I wouldn't sign yesterday but one thing is for sure, this whole "thing" with D's IEP has opened my eyes. Kira's IEP's have always been fairly straight forward....his, not-so-much.
In other news... :-)
We were in Iowa over the weekend and went to a family picnic on Saturday. I was absolutely SHOCKED at how well Dylan did. He was interacting with people APPROPRIATELY and really enjoyed himself. I have no doubt that his meds are really working and we are seeing some very positive results! YEAH!