A child with ASD is like a snow flake or finger print in the sense that, from a distance they look similar or even the same but upon closer examination they are in fact, quite different. Each unique in their own way with no two being the same.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Just tell me what you need......

After our appointment with Dr Iyama, I called that day to get D's information through the intake information.  On Friday, I got a call tha he hadn't been given an appointment with the child psych we had hoped for because he didn't accept our insurance.  I thought that was weird becaue we have a plan where we can pretty much go anywhere but I called the insurance company to check again.  Sure enough, when the very helpful lady did her search, the clinic showed up as fine.  I ended up spending most of the afternoon going back and forth between the insurance company and the doctors office.  When I called the doctors office to make one last attempt to figure out what was going on, I got a very nice guy on the phone who quickly figured out that it wasn't that they don't take our insurance at all.....there was no insurance information in the computer at all for Dylan so it looked like he was uninsured!  Ugggg....please tell me why the other 3 or 4 people i had tolded to couldn't figure that out.  I was so frustrated that something like that hadn't been checked when I called the very first time.  So in the end, we had to go through the intake process again and are back to waiting to hear if D will get an appointment.

We went to a waterpark this weekend to celebrate Kira's birthday.  It's always hard to tell how Mr D will do in a setting like this.  He can be having a great time and then all it takes, sometimes, is one thing and he falls apart.  Well, he had a GREAT time.  It helped that it was a small waterpark and it really wasn't busy either.  He absolutely LOVED the big waterslide and I won't even try to guess how many times he walked up all the steps and came down with the biggest grin ever.  As I was thinking about it, I realized that the water slides are just the kind of sensory input that he craves...fast, rough and over and over and over again.  He could also jump and hang on Jason and I and we could handle it a lot better being in water.  It's no wonder he was in heaven.  My biggest concern with him and the fact he would just take off when he wanted to go to a different area so we had to keep a REALLY close eye on him.  It was a good weekend.

As I've been thinking about Aspergers and how its impacting Dylan over the last week, I've had a lot of different emotions.  I've felt very frustrated that we didn't get the help we needed from the school district after we had him evaluated.......I just feel like they didn't listen. 

 I'm angry that because of ONE PERSON, we are having to look at a different elementary school for next year for Dylan.  At the risk of sounding like a 5 year old, it's just not fair. It's just not fair that this one person is allowed to continue to be in the lives of children, let alone kids who have special needs.  But in the end, I am going to do what is best for Dylan and if that means that he has to be at a different school for a few years, we'll figure it out.

And even though it's a relief to know "what" is going on, it makes me sad.  It makes me sad to know that it's not something D will outgrow.  It's not going to go away.  It's going to be a lifetime "battle" that he will have to fight.....we will have to fight with and for him.  You can be damn sure that we will fight and we will figure out how to best help him when the challenging times come.  Damn sure.

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