A child with ASD is like a snow flake or finger print in the sense that, from a distance they look similar or even the same but upon closer examination they are in fact, quite different. Each unique in their own way with no two being the same.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I, Cori, vow to NEVER.....

Publicly discuss when Dylan has a  really, really good day because when I do, all holy heck breaks loose within hours.

WOW!  The last couple days have been rough.  Hoping it's just the change in schedules with school coming to an end, being outside a lot or something that he will adjust to soon because I'm close to losing it! :-)  Not really but it's rough on all of us when we have days with lots  of tantrums and hitting.

On an upside, his IEP is finally final.  The meeting was interesting and I had an advocate come with me.  It was extremely helpful to have her there.  In the end, the changes that we wanted made were made and most of the team agreed that they were reasonable changed.  We will meeting in November to look at his services and see if we can reduce anywhere.  I would love for him not need as many services once he's adjusted.  Time will tell.

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